Payment options

Costs for students can be paid either at the College office by cash and eftpos, or by direct credit via internet banking.  

Bank account

​​​​​​​The College’s bank account number is:  BNZ  02-0733-0068061-00

Internet banking

Please reference your payment with your student’s last name and first name/initial and what it is you are paying for.

Donation invoices

These are prepared and issued late February and will comprise of option subject donations where there is an overnight away component to them.    On payment, an IRD tax donation receipt is available on request.

Other costs

If there are trips which have a cost associated with them, communication will be sent via email or letter by teachers. Payment is required at the time of registration of interest.

Automatic Payments to Cover College Costs 

Many parents/caregivers find that there are heavy costs at the beginning of the College year. The College offers an automatic payment option which assists in spreading the cost of uniform, sports, school donations, camps and other activities. 

  • A payment of $10 per week would be required for most students. 
  • This money is then recorded against the student’s financial record and used to cover school based activities. 
  • Financial information is available to parents via the Parental Portal
    • You will require the caregiver password to view this
    • Please contact the office if you need assistance with this password 

Unfortunately, uniform cannot be provided on credit unless a regular pattern of automatic payments has been established.

For more information, please see the forms below, or ring the finance office at the College on 04 902 5170 ext 843 or 853

School Donations 

We are please to advise that the Board has decided to opt in to the Ministry of Education school donation scheme from 2025.  This means the governemnt pays the school a fixed payment per student to contribute towards curriculm costs.

Subject Donations

If your student attends a curriculum related activity which involves an overnight stay, we will ask for a donation towards these costs.  Your support and payment is appreciated. 

Donations are tax deductable. For details please refer to the relevant IRD information.  

Sports and Extra-curricular Payments

Should your student take the opportunities offered by the College to participate in sport, camps (e.g. Hilary Outdoors Tongariro) or performances, these are on a user pays basis and not covered by any donation request and not covered by government funding.  All costs for these activities must be paid for prior to participation.  

A number of our fees including sport fees and some other extra-curricular activities can now be paid online at the time of registration. 

Any enquiries regarding finance should be addressed to the finance office on 04 902 5170 ext 843 or 853 or via the contact us button above.